Quality that is special
When a patient enters a hospital, he is already at risk of getting infected just by walking through the door. At Saraya, we provide you with the best products and services so that you go from being a good health provider...
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About Us
Walking towards the Future
Innovation, firmly grounded in an idea, has the potential to create unique opportunities and inspire an endless string of results from an original concept. It is our vision, duty, and inspiration to create...
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About Us
Rue des Palais 44, 1030 Brussels
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Connect Through Life
Consumer Products
Ugandan Children
Healthcare Hygiene
Uganda Hospital
Food Sanitation
Borneo Overview
Public Hygiene
Consumer Goods
Saraya HQ
Borneo River
Leading the way
Working towards the way where humans and nature can live in harmony.
Our Commitment
With the world’s population increasing and economic developments vastly improving the standard of living in every...
Private Label
Advanced private label services
Private label cosmetics (the so-called 'own brand') are becoming more and more popular among consumers who buy products that meet high-quality standards at competitive prices. Currently, the share...
The Best Healthcare Hygiene
Saraya Healthcare Hygiene combines all aspects of Infection countermeasures through hygiene, medical device reprocessing, surface cleaning, and disinfection. We are also a major contributor to education and research...
Consumer Solutions
SARAYA consumer goods are made to be just as easy on the environment as they are on the user. Our goal is to help the consumers maintain a healthy, clean, and sustainable lifestyle by focusing on effective products, designed...
Hygiene Innovation
Developing hand-washing soap solutions since its foundation, we deliver the know-how on preventive hygiene cultivated in Japan to customers worldwide. Be it influenza, norovirus or food poisoning, we provide you the countermeasures...
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Polityka Prywatności
Polityka prywatności SARAYA Poland Sp. z o.o. (z dnia 18.01.2022 r.)
Niniejsza polityka prywatności określa zasady przetwarzania danych (w szczególności osobowych) Użytkowników internetowego Serwisu SARAYA Poland, dostępnego...