 Saraya participates ones again in the promotion of infection prevention, focusing on the use of vaccines to avoid preventable diseases.

Vaccines are Everybody’s Business. Celebrating the International Infection Prevention Week 2019

Saraya once again partners with the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) in promoting the International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW), October 13-19.

With this year’s theme of Vaccines are Everybody’s Business, APIC, and also us at SARAYA, hope to revert the spread of infectious diseases such as measles, which has resurged in “safe” countries such as the U.S.A. where is spreading in more than 30 states.

For the promotion of this week, APIC has developed a new infographic reminding patients and their families the important role herd immunity plays to stop the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases. Download the free Herd Immunity Infographic HERE!

Also, on Tuesday, October 15 at 12PM ET, APIC will host a twitter chat, which will discuss the important role that patients, friends, and family play in protecting public health through vaccination. To participate, follow the hashtag #IIPWChat.

Vaccines are everybody's Business!

Established in 1986, IIPW is celebrated in the third week of October. APIC spearheads the annual effort to highlight the importance of infection prevention among healthcare professionals, administrators, legislators, and consumers. It is now formally recognized in many areas around the world including the U.S., Australia, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, and Asia. As IIPW expands, more patients benefit from safer healthcare practices and reduced threat of healthcare-associated infections. Learn more about IIPW on their websiteFacebook and Twitter (#IIPW).


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